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Mostly short-cycle crops, belonging to various taxonomic families, which are normally exploited in large areas and which are marketed for the extraction of oil from their grains. Its use is exclusively agroindustrial.


Sunflower cultivation adapts well to different climatic and soil conditions. It supports low temperatures well, although it requires high temperatures for flowering, fruit setting and ripening. It can develop adequately even in dry conditions, provided that annual rainfall exceeds 400 mm and has not been excessively concentrated in winter. The ideal soil for growing sunflower is a deep, fertile soil with pH values ​​between 6.5 and 8, although it can thrive in shallow, poor and slightly acidic soils. It is a crop that does not tolerate waterlogging well and has a low tolerance to salinity.


Rapeseed is an annual plant that requires temperate-cold, humid climates, with a relatively low temperature during flowering and a sufficient reserve of water in the soil currently. As for soils, rapeseed is not demanding, although it prefers fertile, deep, and medium-textured soils. It supports a certain acidity or salinity well, but not waterlogging. Very strong or poorly drained soils, and in wet years, are inadvisable.


Soy is not a very temperature sensitive plant, although as a spring-summer plant, it does not withstand frost. The minimum temperature necessary for the seeds to germinate is about 9ºC. Soy is not very demanding in terms of soils, although it prefers fertile, clayey, or sandy-clayey, neutral, or slightly basic soils, it does well in other types of soil. In dry land, it will thrive well with rains above 300 millimetres during the growing months and will do well in those with rains between 200 and 300 millimetres, in the same period.


To know the amount of nutrients that we must apply to our crops, we must know the level of fertility or the nutritional status of our soil and the extraction of nutrients that our crops carry out.

Composting tips

Considering the extractions and contributions, we recommend our following products.

(*) In soybean cultivation, as it is a legume, it is necessary to be careful with the nitrogen contributions to favour symbiotic nitrofixation with Rhizobium japonicum. For this, a small amount of nitrogen will be provided in pre-sowing and only if a lack of nodules is observed in the roots, will help with nitrogen in the cover.

Roots and tubers

Mostly short-cycle crops, some with intensive management, others with extensive management, which are marketed for the consumption of their roots and stems with high carbohydrate content. At HAF we recommend these products for sunflower fertilizer, rapeseed, and soybeans.

Recommended products for


If you have any questions about our products, protocols or applications, please contact us.


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