* Apply in the last third of the irrigation.
Haf® SOILFORCE is a self-defense inducer, specially designed to be applied to the soil, that activates the natural defense mechanisms of your crop, improves the microfauna and microflora of the soil, promoting the growth of beneficial organisms that facilitate rhizogenesis and hinder the establishment of damaging agents.
It has a wide range of elicitors and bioactive components of natural origin that help stimulate the plant’s defenses in general and, more specifically, help the crop to recover from adverse soil situations.
The product does not have phytosanitary activity and, since it has zero residues, it does not have a pre- or post-harvest safety period.
Haf® SOILFORCE acts as a prevention or containment tool if applied before or during biotic stress, respectively.
For this reason, Haf® SOILFORCE is the ideal reinforcement that your crop protection program needs.